Risks Involved in File Sharing

Risks Involved in File Sharing

It’s important to understand the risks involved in file sharing and to stay cautious when downloading any file.

Risks include:

  • Downloading a file that contains malware
  • Downloading an illegal, copyrighted file
  • Using a file sharing app that requests firewall services be shut off
  • Accidentally placing sensitive files in public file hosting location

Benefits of File Sharing:

  • Simplified administration
  • Centralizes files for consistency
  • Keeps files organized and maintained

While there are risks associated with file sharing, the benefits can outweigh the costs for an organized, easy-to-use file sharing system. Another way to stay secure with file sharing is with secure data rooms.

A data room is a space that holds data usually in a secured form. It’s an advanced form of cloud storage or on-premise storage unit. This is the most secure file sharing system for businesses sharing classified documents. It can also provide a shared team workspace with a variety of ways to protect company data like digital watermarks